Our Story | Part 3 | Our Beginning

Our Story

I'm a 20-something wedding and portrait photographer in Central Virginia! I'm also a wife, dog mom of two, and follower of Jesus. Thank you for stopping by my online home!

Hello There! I'm Taylor


From August to the end of September, we cultivated our friendship. We spent countless hours together, and we didn’t miss one single day. I was honestly surprised we didn’t get tired of spending time together. On September 25th, I found out Cameron had feelings for me (again). The difference was that this time, I was feeling the same way. However, I still wasn’t willing to admit it. It wasn’t until September 27th that I was able to verbally say that I had feelings for Cameron. I didn’t say it to him then, but I said it out loud and that was the beginning of our story. That next week, we spent even more time together than before. I don’t know how that was possible, but we made it possible. We both knew how we felt individually, and our friends did a little hinting to each of us, so it wasn’t a complete shot in the dark.

The week of September 28th we spent a lot of time watching football (nothing has changed), and eating a lot of pizza because that was our thing. We changed any plans we had that week because we wanted to focus on whether or not our feelings for each other were really there. One night that week, I asked Cameron to hold up his hand to mine so we could compare hand sizes. This was really a test to see if he would hold my hand, and it totally worked! (Once again, I made the first move. Are you seeing a theme here?) 

That Friday night, after football practice, Cameron came to my dorm to watch a movie. It was the night before a game, so he didn’t stay late. BUT, we did order pizza. While we waited for the pizza to arrive, Cameron seemed more anxious than I had ever seen him. He was extra chatty and fidgety. About 5 minutes before the pizza arrived, Cameron looked at me and said, “I have a question.” I nervously replied, “Okay, what is it?” Cameron smiled from ear to ear and said, “Will you be my girlfriend?” In that moment, I felt so at peace. I had goosebumps along my arms. I smiled and said a simple, “yes”. Cameron, overflowing with excitement, said “Ahh! I feel like I should kiss you.” I didn’t even think about it before I said, “Go for it!” Cameron was my first boyfriend, and I’m so glad that he was my last. I know that God made us for each other.

After everything became official, I texted my mom to tell her the good news. This was all so new to me and I didn’t really know how to act. My face hurt from smiling and giggling so much that night. But….that’s not the only reason my face hurt that night. 

As I said earlier, pizza is our thing. Of course, dating a football player, you need a lot of food. I never knew an Extra Large pizza at Domino’s existed until I met Cameron. The box was so big that it wouldn’t fit in the mini-fridge. Although, Cameron never had an issue with finishing it. As I pulled the slice from the extra large pizza out of the box and towards my mouth, the cheese slid off of the pizza and onto my chin. It burnt through my skin leaving a painful scar. (Yes – it showed up in the photo we took the next day at the football game, but you’d never know because I edited it out) I will always remember the night we started dating as the night a piece of pizza scarred my face for a month.

I’m so thankful for our beginning and remember it often.

Our First Photo as a Couple

Check back next week for Part Four!

Read Part One HERE

Read Part Two HERE

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  1. Mary says:

    Aww sorry about the pizza but happy for the kids!!!